In an overt attempt to inspire readers, the story unfolds as three young women plan their post-secondary-education lives while dealing with immediate obstacles and use the many types of love (i.e. romantic, familial, platonic, etc.) as their coping strategies. Because this novel is heavily laced with every possible tear-jerking scenario – three plucky heroines who overcome what seem to be insurmountable odds, a protagonist who is dying of cancer, a negligent mother, an ill parent, forbidden love, the promise of a gratifying albeit hollow love affair, the lure of long-awaited true love, and an abusive significant other – it seems to pointedly target the traditional audience for “chick lit;” in short, the book is heavy handed and overdone. Nonetheless, it will surely find an audience who views these plot elements as features rather than bugs.
- The Year of Luminous Love by Lurlene McDaniel
- Secondary
- Delacorte Press
- 362 pp.
- 2013
- 9780385741712
- $18.99
- Romance
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