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The Sound & The Echoes

Image from Goodreads

I was gifted a free electronic copy of this book to review.

While not an all-consuming read that compels the audience to come back when called away, this is an enjoyable fantasy escape. It is comprised of interesting characters who exist in a well developed realm of thesis and antithesis where every living being has a translucent doppelganger whose fate is intimately tied to his own. The magical realism of this mirror image world is breathtaking and awe inspiring as it deftly toggles between playful irreverence and shocking horror. Although middle-aged readers of high fantasy will likely be amused by the word play and whimsy, contrary to all of its efforts this novel lacks the ineffable quality that would grant it the power to make a significant impact. Bearing this in mind, the $2.99 digital list price for the Kindle edition seems infinitely more reasonable than the $19.58 print list price for a paperback.

  • The Sound & The Echoes by Dew Pellucid
  • Secondary
  • CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
  • 582 pp.
  • Published July 25, 2012
  • ISBN 978-1478305187
  • $19.58


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