Mystified at having left my ordinary world, October 2021 found me transported to the realm of Jack "The King" Kirby, both his place of origin and the kingdom that he built — modern comicdom — for New York Comic Con, where ReedPop was partnering with the New York Public Library , New York City School Librarians Association , and Reading with Pictures to offer its inaugural full day of professional content specifically crafted for librarians and educators. My blerd heart was pounding, my educator heart was swelling, and my librarian heart was soaring with the opportunities before me to strengthen the connection between these ecosystems. Determined to traverse this multiverse of literacy, I ported through the Javits Center attending session after session in pursuit of a version of our world where comics and graphic novels are always lauded as “real reading” and their impact on empowerment and learning is profoundly recognized. As the start of a new year is often a time of refle...