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Showing posts from March, 2022

The Diving Bell: Enabling Access to the Oceans of Possibilities

Originally published March 2, 2022 Library Developments Blog |   Library Development and Networking Division Texas State Library and Archives Commission ***** Well-defined, time-limited efforts like your Summer Library Program often serve as a rich environment for testing new services. This summer, consider expanding your support of patrons in your community with visual, physical, and reading disabilities by using the following strategies and resources outlined by Jaclyn Owusu, Public Awareness Coordinator for the  Talking Book Program . *** Libraries are all about people. It does not matter if your library is small or large, system or stand-alone, rural or urban, libraries try to be as accommodating as they can in serving everyone who enters their doors. Prioritizing special populations takes a little work and research, but remember people with disabilities are just people who have individual abilities, interests, and needs. “People with disabilities are just peopl...